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Offsetting Seasonal Productivity

Published on Sep 5, 2017 at 8:22 pm in Business Insight, Tips & Tricks.

There’s no denying the impact that seasons have on our productivity.  Studies tell us that everything from weather conditions to temperatures can have an effect on our levels of productivity which bodes the question, how do we combat seasonal change in a way that maximizes our focus and productivity?

We especially understand how important this is for small businesses, and here’s some things we’ve come across and put into practice.

The Impact

A study done by Captivate Network revealed that “during the summer months, productivity goes down by 20%, and attendance drops by 19%,” as mentioned in Forbes, Entrepreneur, and USA Today.

Click on the infographic for other effects on productivity by Career Builder.

The Recovery

Author and Entrepreneur, Tim Ferriss, says that one solution is to leverage your losses and build them into a stronger strategy that narrows your focus down to the most important thing.

Here’s an exercise that he uses when he’s learned that he didn’t accomplish his weekly, quarterly, or annual goals.

“The way I get around that, is by looking at my list of goals, priorities, and to-do’s, and asking myself which of these, if done, would make all of the other ones easier or unnecessary.”  –Tim Ferriss, Tools of Titans author.

Click through this link for the full 1:59 video of productivity hacks!

Another anecdote for fighting “seasonal slump” is to anticipate it, and then plan for it.

According to this Forbes article, setting and tracking seasonal projects can help realign focus and attention during the slower months.

Additionally, performing a self-evaluation at the end of each day and week is a great way to review your level of productivity as we approach the winter holiday season.


I hope you find a valuable practice to implement this summer season.   Continue to follow us as we dig into the smartest paths to simple solutions in the workplace.

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